water sanitation sdg6
She Empowers!
Collaboratively creating an inclusive water and sanitation sector.


Women in Water and Sanitation Network aspires to be an active ambassador for gender equality by connecting and empowering female professionals, expanding women’s career opportunities and increase their visibility in the water and sanitation sector. We aim to create synergies with existing groups and networks, and empower our members to become agents of change.


Read more about what we do and why ...

Upcoming Event

The year 2025 is here - join us the WWSN community at our upcoming events!

Stay tuned via our newsletter for subscribed members! 
Follow and engage with the WWSN community of professional water & sanitation women: 

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water sanitation sdg6

A world where we collaboratively create an equal workforce in the water and sanitation sector through inclusiveness and diversity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

While gender-balanced work places are a key to success, the water and sanitation sector remains a male-dominated environment.  Women can be as strong leaders, engineers, researchers, operators as men and they need to be equally engaged in conversations and decision making at all levels. Therefore, WWSN will focus on three objectives:
  1. To establish a global community of women working in water and sanitation by providing a platform for networking, exchange and professional development
  2. To work towards (raise awareness to enable) a safe and gender equal work environment
  3. To foster professional development, increase the visibility of female professionals and celebrate their accomplishments

We want to inspire women to venture into the water and sanitation sector, challenge the status quo and become change agents in a traditionally male-dominated industry. 


Do you want to set the agenda for women´'s empowerment in the sector nationally, regionally, and internationally? Do you want to shape the future of this network?

Do you want to engage with women from around the globe and create an impact on the achievement of SDG 5+6+8+17 ... and all the Sustainable Development Goals?

We invite you to become a WWSN member and, if you like, to engage in one of our working groups. 

Join us

Join Us!
Speaking up for women working in the WASH sector with our WWSN working groups

What do we wo and why? Read more ...

Setting up our mentor-mentee-ship programme.
Communications & Advocacy: 
Branding, messaging, and development of our communication material.
Design and implement the strategy of enrolling and engaging members.
• Events:
Develop and design events for our membership engagement.
Guide WWSN´ s strategy on outreach events  - participation of the network in international conferences, congresses, fora and events.
Raising the funds we need to do this great work. 



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